
1000089 - Project Catalyst Milestone Update 1

Framework for Authenticity Verification of Tokenized Real-World Assets based on Atala Prism
March 31, 2024
Project Catalyst Milestone Update
Project Catalyst Milestone Update

Project Plan: Framework for Authenticity Verification of Tokenized Real-World Assets

1. Framework Creation and Documentation

Objective: To expand Cardano Improvement Proposal 66 (CIP66) for verifying real-world assets and fungible tokens using Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) and Atala Prism, and to document the expanded framework as a comprehensive CIP.


  • Review and identify necessary expansions to CIP66 for supporting real-world assets and fungible tokens.
  • Engage with blockchain technology experts, legal advisors, and the Cardano community to refine the framework.
  • Draft the expanded framework, ensuring alignment with W3C DID standards, and prepare it for submission as a CIP.

Key Stakeholders:

  • Technical architects, blockchain developers
  • Cardano community members

Risk Management:

  • Monitor regulatory developments, ensuring compliance.
  • Establish a feedback mechanism during the draft phase.
  • Engage in scenario planning for technical and adoption challenges.

2. Software Development and Integration

Objective: Develop software tools that operationalize the framework within NMKR Studio and a standalone website, facilitating easy verification of real-world assets through DIDs.


  • Design software for the creation of DIDs using Atala Prism, integrated with NMKR Studio.
  • Develop a user-friendly website for independent real-world asset verification.
  • Ensure software integrates the NFT Identity Wallet by IAMX for identity management.

Key Stakeholders:

  • Software developers, UI/UX designers
  • NMKR Studio team
  • IAMX team

Risk Management:

  • Implement robust security measures.
  • Conduct usability testing with diverse user groups.

3. Testing and Validation

Objective: Conduct exhaustive testing of the software and framework to ensure reliability, security, and user-friendliness, culminating in a demonstration video.


  • Execute comprehensive testing phases including unit, integration, and user acceptance tests.
  • Analyze feedback and bug reports from early users.
  • Produce a demonstration video showcasing the verification process and software functionality.

Key Stakeholders:

  • Quality assurance engineers
  • Early adopters
  • Marketing team

Risk Management:

  • Address bugs and issues identified during testing promptly.
  • Develop contingency plans for critical issues.

4. Soft Launch of Platform

Objective: Roll out the platform to a select audience to fine-tune based on initial feedback before the wide release.


  • Launch the platform to a limited user base.
  • Distribute detailed video demonstrations and documentation.
  • Monitor performance and user engagement closely.

Key Stakeholders:

  • Early users
  • Technical support team

Risk Management:

  • Monitor server loads and security closely.
  • Establish a feedback loop with early users.

5. Public Launch and Maintenance

Objective: Publicly release the framework and platform, ensuring ongoing support, updates, and engagement with the user community.


  • Announce the public launch via social media, press releases, and community forums.
  • Regularly publish maintenance reports and updates.
  • Continue to collect and act on user feedback.

Key Stakeholders:

  • General public
  • Customer service team
  • Development and maintenance teams

Risk Management:

  • Plan for handling increased traffic and data loads.
  • Set up dedicated post-launch support.


This project plan outlines a systematic approach for the development and launch of a framework to verify tokenized real-world assets using Atala Prism, including the expansion of CIP66. It emphasizes collaboration with key stakeholders, rigorous testing and validation, and responsive risk management to ensure the project's success and reliability. By meticulously following this plan, the project aims to deliver a secure, scalable, and user-friendly platform for asset verification on the Cardano blockchain.

Resource Allocation Document: Framework for Authenticity Verification of Tokenized Real-World Assets based on Atala Prism


This document outlines the resource allocation for the development and implementation of a framework to verify tokenized real-world assets using Atala Prism and expanding CIP66. It details the allocation of human, technological, and financial resources across different stages of the project.

1. Framework Creation and Documentation

  • Human Resources:
    • Technical architects and blockchain developers for researching and drafting the expanded CIP66.
    • Legal advisors for ensuring regulatory compliance.
    • A project manager to oversee this phase and ensure deadlines are met.
  • Technological Resources:
    • Access to existing documentation and development tools for CIP66.
    • Collaboration and documentation tools like GitHub for drafting the CIP.
  • Financial Resources:
    • Budget for compensating advisors and any licensing fees for tools used.

2. Software Development and Integration

  • Human Resources:
    • Software developers and UI/UX designers for creating the software tools.
    • A dedicated integration team to work with NMKR Studio and IAMX for seamless integration.
    • Project manager and software architect to guide the development process.
  • Technological Resources:
    • Development platforms and tools, including access to Atala Prism APIs.
    • Testing environments for both NMKR Studio integration and the standalone website.
  • Financial Resources:
    • Budget for development tools, platforms, and testing environments.
    • Compensation for the development team and any third-party services required.

3. Testing and Validation

  • Human Resources:
    • Quality assurance engineers for comprehensive testing.
    • A small group of early adopters for user acceptance testing.
    • Marketing team to prepare the demonstration video.
  • Technological Resources:
    • Testing tools and platforms for bug tracking and feedback collection.
    • Equipment and software for producing high-quality demonstration videos.
  • Financial Resources:
    • Budget for testing tools and video production.
    • Incentives for early adopters participating in testing.

4. Soft Launch of Platform

  • Human Resources:
    • Technical support team to assist early users and collect feedback.
    • Marketing and communications team to prepare and distribute launch materials.
  • Technological Resources:
    • Hosting and server resources to support the soft launch.
    • Analytics tools to monitor user engagement and performance.
  • Financial Resources:
    • Budget for increased server capacity and analytics tools.
    • Marketing and communication materials production.

5. Public Launch and Maintenance

  • Human Resources:
    • Customer service team for ongoing support.
    • Development team for ongoing maintenance and updates.
    • Marketing team for the public launch campaign.
  • Technological Resources:
    • Server and hosting solutions for scalability.
    • Tools for monitoring, analytics, and customer support ticketing.
  • Financial Resources:
    • Marketing campaign budget.
    • Ongoing maintenance and server costs.
    • Customer support team compensation.


Allocating the right mix of human, technological, and financial resources is crucial for the successful completion of the project. This document outlines a preliminary allocation plan which will be revisited and adjusted as the project progresses and as more detailed information becomes available. Regular review and adjustment of resource allocation will ensure the project remains on track and within budget, leading to the successful development and launch of the authenticity verification framework.

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