To buy ADA:
Buy ADA by choosing an exchange, adding funds, placing a buy order, and transferring ADA to a secure Cardano wallet.
Mint NFTs triggered by Unbounce landing page conversions using Zapier and NMKR: set up a trigger for new form submissions, link NMKR, and automate NFT minting with Unbounce conversion data.
Mint NFTs triggered by Pocket article saves using Zapier and NMKR: set up a trigger for new saved items, link NMKR, and automate NFT minting with Pocket article data.
Create a multi-signature transaction on Cardano by setting up a script, gathering signatures, and submitting the final transaction to the network.
Mint NFTs triggered by Teachable course completions using Zapier and NMKR: set up a trigger for course completions, link NMKR, and automate NFT minting with Teachable data.